Hundreds of one-of-a-kind videos taught by the worlds best narrative therapists.

VSNT.live is the highly engaged 24/7 learning platform for discussing, debating, and demonstrating the beauty, history, politic, and future directions with ALL of narrative therapy's most innovative therapists.

Experienced Faculty

Learn from the worlds most highly respected narrative therapists and narrative therapy teaching team.

Large Resource Library

Original workshop handouts, session transcripts, presenter slides + all the narrative articles you will ever need

Live Sessions

Members sign confidentiality waivers then access live client practice sessions + post session discussions.

Our Vision

VSNT.live connects our narrative therapy communities from around the globe to learn, interact, and celebrate ~ all the beauty, passion, and non-individualist politic of narrative therapy theory and practice. 

Our Mission

Guide and support each one of our VSNT.live members through the creative history and present practices of narrative therapy and to promote a politic and commitment to serve our communities and clients, better.


Try a free VSNT.live video. New videos and resources are continually being uploaded onto the site.


Sample Interviews: Michael White, Harjeet Badwall & David Nylund, and Aaron Munro.


Sample Workshop: Michael White ~ Working with Trauma and Violence.


Long Play Discussion Series: Latest Ideas, Theory, and Practice in Narrative Therapy.

History of Change

Remarkable One-Of-A-Kind Presentations from the VSNT Conference Archive.

Client Session Discussions

Watch Supervision of Narrative Therapists Use of Narrative Therapy Questions.

Keynotes and Client Consultations

Race/Colonization, Queer Ideas & Gender


Our Members Experience

<p>For me VSNT.live is a big treasure to find. This narrative therapy learning platform with all the resources that so broadly embraces all you need to know about narrative practice to the ideas and conceptions. I feel especially happy to find a lot of materials explaining the philosophical context of the narrative ideas that nourish narrative practice and the videos of real case sessions that are so useful to see. VSNT.live is really great for those who would like to dive into narrative ideas with the aim to understand them and would like to raise the level of the work to new levels</p>

Ksenia Ilinskaya

Narrative Therapist/Professor of Psychology, Moscow Russia
<p>Learning narrative therapy approaches to counseling with VSNT.live has kept me connected to the practices and the philosophies that shape how I receive the stories of people who consult with me. The videos, written materials, and opportunities for coming together with community have been invaluable to developing a more just and effective approach to collaborative conversations with those seeking to re-vision and re-shape the courses of their lives. Overflowing with gratitude</p>

Paul Newland

Narrative Therapist, Los Angeles, California
<p>To honour Narrative Therapy as an Art is so much needed in these times, VSNT.live is a place to hone our skills while really connecting with the Spirit, philosophy and politics of the practice. VSNT live is an invaluable “commons of knowledge and experiences” on Narrative Therapy. It is the gathering of wonderful practitioners who are as good in the transmission as they are in the transgression of certain rules to keep reinventing the practice in meaningful ways.</p>

Aline Frankfort

Fellow of Louvain School of Management and Professor of Creativity and Innovation at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve. Brussels Belgium
<p>VSNT.live provides me with the opportunity to connect whenever I want and wherever I am with narrative ideas, the development of narrative ideas over time, and specific issues. This immersion enhances an ongoing “dialogue” that expands my practice in this chosen practice framework.</p>

Sophie Favre

Narrative Therapist, Geneva Switzerland
<p>I find VSNT.live to be an invaluable resource, full of great ideas and rich discussions which beautifully complement the trainings I have done at VSNT over the years. Not having much local community around narrative therapy ideas where I live, I find the community on the videos at VSNT.live to be warm, friendly and rigorous in their goals of supporting excellence and innovation around this therapy approach.</p>

Peter Bennet

Narative Therapist Portland, Oregon
<p>Watching and discussing what's happening on VSNT.live with good narrative therapists from all over the world makes a real difference and gives a big boost to our Family Therapy Clinic teams every-day therapy life! Thank you.</p>

Stein-Roger Brønseth

Team Leader High Couple Conflict Team. Trondheim, Norway
<p>VSNT.live is unique in its learning platform and a superb resource for training and learning about narrative therapy with endless videos, courses, materials and most of all... with the best narrative therapy teachers and therapists worldwide!!</p>

Adrian Montesano

University of Barcelona, Department of Couple and Sex Therapy. Barcelona, Spain
    International Presenters
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    Course Lessons + Workshops
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    Narrative Therapy Videos
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    Unique AHA! Moments
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    Why VSNT.live

    Situated In Values, Politic And Justice

    Study and understand the complex philosophical theories behind the practice of narrative therapy.

    Engage The Worlds Best Narrative Therapy Training Team

    VSNT.live members learn the historical roots and future interviewing practices with narrative therapy’s most creative therapists and theorists.

    Live Practice Demonstrations

    Watch, experience, and understand the beauty, integrity, and complexity of Narrative Therapy Practice.

    Unlimited Video Access

    Yearly Membership $259 USD