Video: Live & Interactive. A weekly series on Developing Narrative Therapy Questions (VSNT Faculty 2020) – Sample


by Stephen Madigan

In the live & interactiveVSNT faculty discuss Stephen's Anti-anorexia session as a backdrop to discussing a wide range of narrative questions and positions including the scaffolding and timing of relational questions, historical unique outcomes, character and ethos, counter-storying, and reauthoring imagined future possibilities.

**PLEASE NOTE: Due to our strict confidentiality policy  we cannot show  the live session tape the faculty and membership are commenting on.

The video is the sixth in the Live & Interactive weekly series on Developing narrative therapy questions. The series brings together Vancouver School for Narrative Therapy faculty: Helene Grau, Copenhagen (Co-director Narativ Praxis Denmark), Stephen Madigan, Vancouver (Director Vancouver School for Narrative Therapy), David Marsten, Los Angeles (Director Golden Mile Family Therapy and Co-author of Narrative Therapy in Wonderland – connecting with children’s imaginative know-how), and David ‘Rock’ Nylund, Sacramento (Author of 60 + narrative therapy articles, Director of the Gender Health Centre and Professor of Social Work).

After the live Anti-anorexia video session Stephen shows, the faculty  analyse, supervise and discuss specific narrative therapy practices previously discussed in the module including: relational externalizing, counter-value conversations, hovering in unique outcomes, scaffolding, counter-storying and reauthoring imagined future possibilities.

Following every video and text lesson there is a quiz waiting for you that is paired up with a nice long follow up discussion. However – these discussions can only be accessed by members.

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