Video: Beginning the Mother and Child session. (Stephen Madigan, 2006)
Stephen Madigan starts off the session with David and his Mother Kim. One of David's nine brothers and sisters is watching the session off camera.
Stephen Madigan starts off the session with David and his Mother Kim. One of David's nine brothers and sisters is watching the session off camera.
In this brief clip Michael White outlines his practice of 'externalizing' the problem of 'trouble' that clearly had great appeal for the family.
Drawing on the work of Jerome Bruner, Michael White found a structure to enter into client stories and construct a scaffold for his question. The structure involved Bruner's ideas on the composition of narrative stories through the landscape of action and landscapes of identity.
Stephen Madigan's live video session demonstrates the narrative therapy practices of externalizing conversations, unique outcomes and reauthoring lives and relationships.
Stephen conducts a live externalizing interview with an 11 year old boy Ollie (and his mother) who has been mandated by the courts to seek therapy after a charge of battery. Watch Stephen relationally externalizes 'trouble' and demonstrate relative influence and evaluative questions within the landscapes of action and identity - and plots out troubles potential losses as well as the boys's preferred ethics and reputation.
This 1995 Workshop Handout can be viewed as the precursor to the more recent use of Wonderfulness Interviewing. A terrific imagistically-rich Relative Influence Questions Guide written by David Epston & Sallyann Roth, 1995
A wonderful discussion on relative influence and relational externalizing practices with Michael White in 1987
In this 1991 lecture, Michael White outlines the theory and practice surrounding his use of relative influence questions, landscape of action and consciousness (identity) questions, and those sneaky and beautiful alternative stories that do not fit with the problem story known as - unique outcomes.
In the live & interactiveVSNT faculty discuss Stephen's Anti-anorexia session as a backdrop to discussing a wide range of narrative questions and positions including the scaffolding and timing of relational questions, historical unique outcomes, character and ethos, counter-storying, and reauthoring imagined future possibilities.