Video: A few ideas on Anti-anorexia Q&A (Madigan, 2002)
Stephen Madigan offers a few introductory ideas on Anti-anorexia - as it relates to culture and identity.
Stephen Madigan offers a few introductory ideas on Anti-anorexia - as it relates to culture and identity.
Elliot Goldner & Stephen Madigan forged a strong relationship together through their work at St. Paul's hospital eating disorder unit. Elliot was the head psychiatrist and opened all the necessary space and support needed for Anti-anorexic narrative therapy based practices to take flight.
VSNT has read this marvel of an article written by David Epston far too many times to count. David Epston writes on writes on, Anti-anorexia, Morality and Counter-Morality
Stephen Madigan's handout offers you a brief introduction to a few Anti-anorexia questions taken from his in patient ward hospital sessions back in 1994
David Epston invites Stephen Madigan to discuss the early days of their apprenticeship/supervision relationship.
The therapeutic discussion centres on close up questions/descriptions of anorexias present day tactics that are somehow helping her to 'remember to forget' the present counter-practices as well as her storied history of standing up and resisting anorexia domination and subjugation.
The live Anti-anorexia narrative therapy session demonstrates how to slowly reinvigorate and remember previous anti-anorexic knowledges now somewhat restrained by the problem and presently - hidden from view.
Rick Maisel reads a sample of therapeutic letters written by a woman involved with an Anti-anorexia narrative practice.
The person returns one week later and she and Stephen take tuns reading aloud their letters written after the first session - and respond to these letters.
The session continues with 'close up' reviewing of anorexia's tactics, deconstructive counter-practices, and asking sets of evaluative, relational externalizing, and reauthoring questions.