Video: Identity formation (Gremillion, TC7, 2007)
Cultural anthropologist/feminist scholar Helen Gremillion outlines her ideas on Feminism, Culture, Identity and narrative therapy
Cultural anthropologist/feminist scholar Helen Gremillion outlines her ideas on Feminism, Culture, Identity and narrative therapy
Stephen Madigan demonstrates how a shift in meaning and identity conclusions can emerge alongside unique counter-stories and the reauthoring of experiences.
TC7 conference keynote speaker Makungu Akinyela highlights the issues of race, ethics, culture and identity
Alan outlines ethical questions to consider that he could have asked in a session - but didn't - and the questioning directions he begins to engage in as he becomes aware of the mans ethical agency.
Alan Jenkins concentrates his questioning practice on what goes beyond the personal story - and towards a story of strengths, virtues and ethics
Alan discusses the practice of wondering not what 'what resilience is' rather - how might we as therapists more fully appreciate 'what resilience does'
Alan speaks to his therapeutic concentration on the topic of connectedness and his therapeutic interest in the 'geography of a problem' and not 'the history of a problem'.