Audio: Introducing externalizing conversations lecture (Michael White, 1992)
The workshop outlines how Michael White focused his workshops on the importance of locating problems and persons within cultural, contextual, and relational contexts.
The workshop outlines how Michael White focused his workshops on the importance of locating problems and persons within cultural, contextual, and relational contexts.
Michael White's historical 1986 lecture begins to outline for North American therapists the ideology and theory behind a new practice that he has named externalizing conversations.
Stephen Madigan explores Michael White's ideological connection to second order cybernetics and the work of Gregory Bateson and - how it was that Michael and David Epston decided to turn away from 150 years of psychological theory, vocabulary and practice
In 1992, Stephen Madigan set out to try and understand how Michael White’s theoretical and practice orientation had been influenced by the work of French philosopher/historian Michel Foucault
The person returns one week later and she and Stephen take tuns reading aloud their letters written after the first session - and respond to these letters.
Stephen begins this session by exploring what the name is the client gives to the problem and - begins the process to relationally externalize the problem. The name of the problem changes as the sessions go on.
During VSNT's Stephen Madigan 1991 narrative therapy apprenticeship in Adelaide, Australia he received this Michael White handout outlining externalizing and reauthoring conversations as counter-practices. This particular handout is one of the first to outline the politics of narrative practice.
In this 1991 workshop handout Michael White outlines externalizing conversations as counter-practices that challenge internal state psychology, negative identity conclusions, expert knowledge, and totalizing descriptions of personhood.
An absolutely charming 1987 lecture where Michael White discusses the history of how he ended up working with and establishing his practice ideas with children suffering with pseudo encopresis.
In this 1987 lecture Michael White begins to clearly outlines his novel ideas on externalizing problem conversations in therapy and the idea of restraints