Video: Histories of narrative therapy keynote (Madigan, 2014)


Length: 15 minutes

Stephen Madigan explores Michael White's ideological connection to second order cybernetics and the work of Gregory Bateson and - how it was that Michael and David Epston decided to turn away from 150 years of psychological theory, vocabulary and practice

Live Session: David Epston, 1995 (part 2)

Length: 12 minutes

The next part of the live session David Epston begins to rework the troubled/violent reputation of the young boy and ask questions to help develop an alternative story line.

Live Session: Example of externalizing questions (Madigan, 2011)

Length: 20 minutes

Stephen Madigan demonstrates a few basic narrative therapy interview that features externalizing questions questions and - the scaffolding of landscapes of action, landscapes of identity, relative influence unique outcomes and reauthoring conversations.

Live Session: David Epston, 1995 (part 4)

Length: 20 minutes

The fourth part of the live interview session David Epston begins find support of the counter-story by circulating the new story through letter writing.

Live Session: part three (Madigan, YEAR)

The new developments found through this live re-authoring conversation move with the persons story to more fully appreciate and widen these new developments and subordinate counter-stories.

Live Session: Stephen Madigan, 1999 (part 1)

Length: 16 minutes

Stephen conducts a live externalizing interview with an 11 year old boy Ollie (and his mother) who has been mandated by the courts to seek therapy after a charge of battery. Watch Stephen relationally externalizes 'trouble' and demonstrate relative influence and evaluative questions within the landscapes of action and identity - and plots out troubles potential losses as well as the boys's preferred ethics and reputation.