Live Session: Anti-Bulimia A (Madigan, 2011)
This simple narrative video demonstration shows Stephen Madigan working with a woman who has been struggling with bulimia for 19 years.
This simple narrative video demonstration shows Stephen Madigan working with a woman who has been struggling with bulimia for 19 years.
Stephen consults David about the history of taunting and possible steps and solutions to help his nine brothers and sisters move away from taunting.
Stephen Madigan demonstrates how a shift in meaning and identity conclusions can emerge alongside unique counter-stories and the reauthoring of experiences.
Stephen Madigan demonstrates how Michael White taught him a particular structure in taking therapeutic notes and reporting the notes back from the previous session to begin the next session - as an act of re-membering and re-telling
Stephen explores the mans experiences with certain dominant expectations and specifications of masculinity and this leads to a broadening of definitions on alternative ways of being a man.
Stephen Madigan's live video session demonstrates the narrative therapy practices of externalizing conversations, unique outcomes and reauthoring lives and relationships.
Nylund and Tilsen begin with a discussion and live session on normativity and non-normative identities.
David consults Zach on experiences of homophobia and dominant masculinity at their grade school in Sacramento, California. He and Zach discuss how neoliberal expectations on gender norms help produce cultural productions of bullying of non-normative gendered youth.
David's continued consultation with his consultant Zach - on experiences of homophobia and dominant masculinity at the grade school in Sacramento, California.