Video: The social location of problems (Madigan, 2005)
Stephen Madigan interprets Michel Foucault’s ideas on power/knowledge, subjectification and internalized cultural discourse - into practice.
Stephen Madigan interprets Michel Foucault’s ideas on power/knowledge, subjectification and internalized cultural discourse - into practice.
Stephen Madigan discusses internalized problem conversations and the audience of normative ideas that support these problem conversations.
The Vancouver School for Narrative Therapy considers this 1991 paper by Michael White as one of the most important narrative therapy articles ever written.
Stephen Madigan introduces his 2014, TC12 keynote on the early ideas of Michael White with a little story to situate the humour that was central to their friendship.
VSNT & Stephen Madigan provides you with their brief guide to Michel Foucault's vocabulary. We hope the guide helps you to negotiate the meaning of his ideas and how they relate to narrative therapy practice. If your goal is to study narrative therapy and your own practice a little more rigorously . . . then you may find yourself returning to this guide.
Philosopher Todd May joins Stephen Madigan to begin their Series on how certain ideas of Michel Foucault influenced the narrative therapy practice of Michael White.
John Winslade presents his slide presentation from TC12 on the poststructural ideas of Gilles Deleuze & Michel Foucault
This 1992 audio represents a formative lecture featuring Michael White outlining Michel Foucault's ideas on power/knowledge/culture - as they influence externalizing problems.
In 1992, Stephen Madigan set out to try and understand how Michael White’s theoretical and practice orientation had been influenced by the work of French philosopher/historian Michel Foucault
During this 1991 lecture Michael White begins to introduce the practice of externalizing questions and their relationship with broader dominant cultural practices supporting and creating of problems.