Video: Working in violence and trauma (Bird & Wade, 2007)
Johnella Bird and Alan Wade offer novel and ethical ideas on what to do, and what to consider - when therapists are working with persons subjected to violence, abuse and trauma
Johnella Bird and Alan Wade offer novel and ethical ideas on what to do, and what to consider - when therapists are working with persons subjected to violence, abuse and trauma
Michael White discusses a story of trauma and abuse and how narrative ideas shape how he listens to the story being told.
Michael White challenges the modern psychological idea of catharsis - the releasing and discharging of pain as a means of healing as it relates to trauma.
There are contemporary understandings of psychological pain and emotional distress as an outcome of trauma that obscure many of the complexities of people’s experiences of trauma, and of their expressions of this experience. Study Michael White's original narrative workshop notes on working with trauma.
Stephen Madigan's live video session demonstrates the narrative therapy practices of externalizing conversations, unique outcomes and reauthoring lives and relationships.
The new developments found through this live re-authoring conversation move with the persons story to more fully appreciate and widen these new developments and subordinate counter-stories.
Australia therapist Alan Jenkins introduces his talk on becoming resilient - and expands upon his novel practice understandings when working with the issues of violence, abuse and trauma.
Alan Jenkins concentrates his questioning practice on what goes beyond the personal story - and towards a story of strengths, virtues and ethics
Stephen Madigan interviews Johnella Bird and Allan Wade - two of the worlds foremost therapists in practices pertaining to working with violence, abuse and trauma