Video: Johnella Bird & Allan Wade Interview (Madigan, 2007)
Stephen Madigan interviews Johnella Bird and Allan Wade - two of the worlds foremost therapists in practices pertaining to working with violence, abuse and trauma
Stephen Madigan interviews Johnella Bird and Allan Wade - two of the worlds foremost therapists in practices pertaining to working with violence, abuse and trauma
Allan Wade begins his Response Based Practice discussion on violence and abuse addressing the social act of violence and the importance of a full rendering of the victims response/resistance to the crime.
Alan Wade stresses the vital importance of documenting the victims response and resistance to violence because - what is often documented is the woman's 'mental health issues' and - not her resistance
Alan Wade makes the important distinction between unilateral and mutual acts of violence.
Alan Wade outlines the mass assumptions about violence that need to be challenged.
Alan Wade outlines the practice of Response Based Therapy in a clear and concise article entitled: Response-Based Therapy with Victims of Violence
Johnella discusses the ways we use language - in particular, the relational use of language allows her to work with the intricacies of living within power relations.
Johnella Bird and Allan Wade discuss the numerous limitations and arbitrary nature of mainstream psychological ideas supporting the diagnosis of PTSD.