Audio: Landscape of action and consciousness (White, 1991)

Length: 14 minutes

Drawing on the work of Jerome Bruner, Michael White found a structure to enter into client stories and construct a scaffold for his question. The structure involved Bruner's ideas on the composition of narrative stories through the landscape of action and landscapes of identity.

Reading: Externalizing workshop handout (White, 1991)

Length: 25 minutes

In this 1991 workshop handout Michael White outlines externalizing conversations as counter-practices that challenge internal state psychology, negative identity conclusions, expert knowledge, and totalizing descriptions of personhood.

Audio: Practices of re-authoring (White, 1992)

Length: 12 minutes

Michael White's 1992 key lecture shows how therapists might consider and bring forth questions that can be introduced during the re-authoring of lives and relationships that encourage people to generate new proposals for action

Audio: Reauthoring conversations (White, 1991)

Length: 12 minutes

A clear description of what constructs, constitutes, and scaffolds the possibility of entering into Reauthoring Conversations is discussed by Michael White during a workshop in 1991